St. Michael
St. Michael isn’t technically a saint, but rather an angel. He is the leader of the army of God, this is the meaning of “Archangel”, he is above others in rank. In his position he has 4 main responsibilities:
To combat satan.
To escort the faithful to heaven upon their death.
To be the champion of all Christians.
To call men from life on earth to heavenly judgement.
It is said during the fall of Lucifer (When satan was an angel of God) St. Michael came to Gods defense so profoundly that God moved him up in rank among the angels and honored him with the responsibilities of Archangel.
St. Michael has his own prayer for defense:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke them we humbly pray, and do thou, prince of the
heavenly host by the divine power of God, cast into hell, satan and all
evil spirits prowling around the world seeking the ruin and destruction of souls.
His feast day is September 29
He is the patron of soldiers, police, mariners and paratroopers.
St. Michael the Archangel